Клинические статьи
Background: Acute lumbago, or acute low back pain syndrome, interests a large part of the population. Many
causes are involved: posture, column defect, work, stress, trauma, weather and more, psychosomatic causes
included. Many therapies are proposed, but each therapy may have side effects. Over the years, clinicians
have treated this condition with different types of laser and found different results, usually positive. The aim
of this study was to determine if treatment of acute lumbago with non-surgical laser therapy would result in
immediate resolution of pain and muscle contracture.
Background: Our first experience with Laser Therapy for IPP started more than 33 years ago. The results
for first 101 treated patients was described in previous reviews. Our purpose was to treat chronic IPP in the
shortest possible time, with less number of cycles and less time for each session.
Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of a 650-microsecond
Short Pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm Laser for treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas.
Study: A total of 250 subjects with infantile hemangiomas were treated over a study period of 5 years, mostly
aged 1-4 months, 60% female, skin types I-II. An Nd:YAG 1064nm laser was used with a 2-3 mm spot size,
650-microsecond pulse duration and fluence of 42-64 J/cm2. Consecutive treatments were performed in 1-4
month intervals. Photos were taken before, immediately after, 30 and 180 days after each treatment session.
Background and Objectives: Nd Yag Lasers with 20-30 millisecond pulse widths are traditionally used to
treat cosmetic leg veins, with well documented side effects of bruising and discomfort particularly with large
areas treated. This study was conducted to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of a novel short pulsed,
650-microsecond pulsed 1064nm NdYag laser for the treatment of lower extremity telangiectasias.
Objective and Background: A 300-Microsecond Pulsed Er:YAG 2940nm Laser at a fluence of 5 J/cm2 allows
ablation of scar tissue without significant residual thermal damage. Based on the fact that Er:YAG laser is most
effective in hydrated tissue, which corresponds to the early stages of scar formation (10-14 days after injury),
we hypothesized that laser scar treatment would be most effective during this period.
Background: Since 2003 until present we have treated 251 patients with Traumatic Central Nervous System
Injuries (TCNSI), using Non-Surgical Laser Therapy (NSLT) obtaining good results in terms of sensibility and
movement. To increase muscle strength and to further explore new emerging synergies, we have started to
use a physical therapy practice based on the most current knowledge about the motor control, name Grimaldi's
Muscle Shortening Maneuver (MSM). Each TCNSI is different; no two similar exist, for loss of function and
response to treatment. For this a reason statistical criterion is relative, as too many variables are involved
contemporaneously. The goal of our study is to obtain objective data suggesting the real efficiency of the
association between these two treatments.
Erbium:YAG laser has been used for laser skin resurfacing for
many years. It is an effective device for resurfacing and has a
faster recovery time and fewer side effects when compared to
the CO2 laser resurfacing
1 There are several published studies
demonstrating its effectiveness in laser resurfacing.
Laser treatment of active acne is traditionally limited to the
application of relatively low fluences due to the risk of burning
skin and/or getting unwanted hyperpigmentation. This limits
efficacy of those laser treatments particularly on large and deep
moderate to severe acne. This study was conducted to evaluate
the safety and efficacy of a 650 microsecond pulsed Nd:YAG
1064nm laser for the treatment of moderate to severe acne using
high laser fluences and stacked pulses at a low repetition rate.
This study was conducted to evaluate the use of a single laser
modality to treat two skin conditions simultaneously: clearance
of active acne, and reduction of acne scars. A novel Nd: YAG
1064nm laser with 650 microsecond pulse duration and a peak
power of more than 15,000 watts per pulse was used. 10 subjects
with skin type I-IV and an average age of 30 – 5 males and 5
females – were enrolled for the series of 3 treatments 2-3 weeks
apart. The laser treatment was well tolerated with no anesthesia
or any form of skin cooling. No complications were observed;
subjects reported little or no treatment discomfort and a pleasant
warming sensation as a result of the laser treatment. Of the 10
subjects, 8 rated their satisfaction as High and 2 rated it as Very
Patient satisfaction was the final arbiter when determining
completion of treatment. She was very satisfied that both her
acute and chronic lesions have been removed by laser therapy to
the point of not requiring make up to conceal the imperfection of
her skin. She recognizes that continuation of her oral and topical
medication are necessary for the prevention of recurrence of new
lesions of acne and oily skin of seborrheic dermatitis.
Melasma is widely known as a pigmentation disorder that has
a profound effect on quality of life for those with the affliction(1).
Studies report patients with pigmentation disorders feel self-
conscious, unattractive, that it affected their daily activities and
they felt the need to put effort into hiding their condition or else
others would be attentive to it(1). While melasma affects people
of all skin types, it is predominant in women with darker skin
(Fitzpatrick III-VI)(2), which can add further difficulty to an already
hard-to-treat, chronic disorder(3).
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of 300 microsecond
pulsed Er:YAG 2940nm laser resurfacing on periocular lines,
treated as a functional unit based on static and dynamic rhytid
anatomy as opposed to standard cosmetic anatomic landmarks.
Over a three year period of time, 14 female patients, with Fitzpatrick
skin type II-III were treated with Erbium laser resurfacing to the
periocular area based on a pattern consistent with their static
and dynamic "crow's feet" lines versus standard anatomic units.
Improvement in periocular rhytids was achieved efficiently using
Erbium laser resurfacing based on functional landmarks without
the need to treat adjacent uninvolved areas within the aesthetic
unit based on anatomical landmarks alone.
A study was conducted to evaluate a pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm
laser for long-term laser hair removal. Unlike conventional lasers
and light-based devices in the field, the laser in this evaluation
utilizes a unique 650 microsecond pulse duration with no skin
cooling, gels or anesthetics. Ten female subjects and one male
subject with Fitzpatrick Skin Types II through VI were treated and
the long-term results indicated >75% clearance in the majority
of cases; those treated 5 to 7 times reported 82% clearance on
average and as high as 93%. These assessments were made, on
average, 8.3 months after the subjects' final treatment session.
This study was conducted to evaluate the safety of the use of a
novel 650 microsecond pulsed Nd: YAG 1064nm laser for skin
rejuvenation, when used in combination with injectables in a
single treatment session. Seven subjects were enrolled and were
treated with the laser first, then were given injections afterwards.
It was observed that there was a reduction in the pain, bruising
and swelling from the injections with the use of the laser prior to
the injections. Patient satisfaction was High or Very High in all
cases. The use of this laser and this protocol has the potential to
increase client retention and to attract new clients who prefer less
treatment discomfort and who prefer a single visit rather than two
for skin rejuvenation.
Background & Objective
Traditionally, augmenting lip size and shape has been performed with hyaluronic injections. A challenge for medical spas owned and
operated by medical aestheticians is the inability to inject patients with fillers due to state regulations.
Light-based laser treatments of the lip can provide substantial plumping, color and texture improvement and significant reduction of
fine lines and wrinkles surrounding the lip by heating the tissue of the lip and surrounding area to create collagen. Patients who have
needle phobia, or who fear pain or bruising with needle procedures, can benefit from a needle-free lip treatment. But the laser needs
to be able to deliver energy deep into the dermal tissue for collagenesis in a tolerable patient experience. The purpose of the study
was to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment of lip rejuvenation and lip augmentation using a 650-microsecond Nd:YAG 1064nm laser.
This study was conducted to evaluate a novel 650 microsecond
pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm laser, for the clearance of Melasma.
Seven female subjects with skin types II-V and an average age
of 45.6 were enrolled for a single treatment of laser for Melasma.
A new protocol for the treatment of Onychomycosis with laser
irradiation was developed and used on 192 subjects with multiple
nails affected by Onychomycosis, as confirmed by PAS, KOH
and culture tests. A novel Nd:YAG 1064nm laser with a 650
microsecond pulse duration and a peak power of 318 joules/cm2
or 15,385 watts per pulse was used at two clinical sites over a
period of 18 months. The protocol included two laser treatment
sessions spaced approximately 4 weeks apart. Then, at a point
3 months after the second laser treatment session, each subject
was again administered the PAS, KOH and culture tests, and 178
or 92.7% tested negative for the fungus. The two-treatment laser
protocol was repeated on the 14 remaining subjects and 11 of
them were clear of all fungal infection after two additional laser
treatments. Therefore, 98.4% of all subjects have shown negative
culture 3 months after completion of their laser treatment course.
Toes were pre-cooled with ice and all subjects reported the laser
treatment as either painless or highly tolerable with an occasional
sensation of heat. There were no side effects of treatment, and
all subjects were satisfied with the results. This clinical study
demonstrates that Onychomycosis can be effectively and safely
treated with a 650 microsecond Pulsed Nd: YAG 1064nm Laser.
74 year old male presented to the practice after a blunt trauma
to the big toe. Prior to the injury the nail was severely affected by
onychomycosis. It was about 3mm thick and disfigured. At the
time of evaluation patient presented with subungual hematoma
and nail plate partially detached. Laser therapy was selected
because previous treatments by other modalities were not
One of the key aspects of eradicating Onychomycosis is to
achieve penetration of the laser energy into the nail matrix, thus
requiring a deep-heating and powerful laser. The microsecond
Nd:YAG 1064nm laser is ideal a much deeper penetrating
modality than diode lasers, or Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers which
energy is absorbed superficially on the surface of the skin and can
not travel deep into skin tissue.
Background and Objective
To successfully treat by laser the single right great toe which was
infected and partially destroyed by the fungus, Onychomycosis.
The aim was to have the nail and nail bed (the subungual region)
cleared of fungus by use of the laser and medical treatment.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is a foreign body inflammatory
reaction caused by ingrown hairs. PFB occurs most frequently
in the beard areas of 45% to 83% of African-American men who
shave.1 When coarse curled hair is shaved, the tips become
pointed. These sharp tips, by either extrafollicular or transfollicular
penetration, grow into the skin and lead to the formation of painful,
pruritic pustules and papules.1, 2 In extrafollicular penetration, the
sharp hair tip curves backward toward the skin and pierces the
epidermis close to the hair follicle,3 then continues downward to
the dermis. Inflammatory reactions occur in both the epidermis
and dermis. Transfollicular penetration occurs when shaving is
against the grain and the pointed hair tip grows downward and
pierces the follicular wall, resulting in inflammatory papules.4
Background & Objective
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 650μsec pulsed Nd:YAG
1064nm Laser in treating PFB (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae) on
patients of Fitzpatrick skin types V and VI. Since the laser's pulse
duration of 650μsec is below the TRT (Thermal Relaxation Time)
of the skin tissue, the laser should have the ability to effectively
treat PFB without causing non-selective collateral tissue damage
and the pain that is normally caused by that.
Background and Objective
The removal of pigmented lesions due to sun damage has
historically not been successful using 1064nm Nd:YAG lasers,
which typically have pulse durations well in excess of 1 millisecond.
This study was conducted to evaluate a shorter pulsed 650µsec
Nd:YAG laser for pigmented lesion removal.
This study was conducted to evaluate the use of a 650
microsecond pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm laser for skin tightening
and non-ablative skin rejuvenation in two treatment sessions. 10
female subjects with skin types I- III and ages 45-69 were enrolled
for two sessions of treatment. Laser fluences ranged from 21-
223 j/cm2. No complications were reported or observed. Nine out
of ten subjects reported little or no treatment discomfort and a
pleasant warming sensation with a feeling of tightness of the skin
immediately following the treatment, and rated their satisfaction
as High to Very High; one thin-skinned subject aged 69 exhibited
little to no response and had a lower degree of tolerance for the
Background and Objective
A female patient presented with skin laxity in various anatomical
sites, after losing 86 lbs over a 12-month period through diet and
exercise. The patient initially received skin tightening treatments in
the facial areas and arms with a 650µsec pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm
laser (LightPod Neo, Aerolase, Tarrytown, NY); she was highly
satisfied and then inquired about receiving the same treatment for
skin tightening in the buttocks area.
Laser resurfacing has been a popular procedure to reverse the
effects of aging. CO2 and Erbium:YAG lasers are highly effective
in treatment of wrinkles and acne scars. These ablative lasers
have long down-time and limit patient's activities. These lasers
can results in significant pigmentary changes and if not used with
a proper technique by well trained laser surgeons, it can result in
disfiguring scarring. Due to these limitations, almost all available
lasers were tried to use for non-ablative resurfacing. These reduced
the down-time and risk of complications but effectiveness was
not comparable. Fractional lasers were introduced to get same
kind of results. Non-ablative fractional laser did not produce
same effectiveness as ablative CO2 or Er:YAG lasers. This lead
to the development of Ablative fractional lasers. Ablative lasers
have been used at low fluence, but in ablative mode to treat mild
photoaging and acne scars. This study is to evaluate the use of
an Erbium:YAG laser in a "sub-ablative" mode where there is a
heating of the surface tissue with no ablation.
Background and Objective
Common modalities for wound healing often fail to achieve full
closure of a wound; however, new laser therapy using a novel
650-microsecond pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm laser (LightPod Neo,
Aerolase, Tarrytown, NY) has previously demonstrated clinical
success achieving closure in wound healing without making any
contact to the wound. 1064nm laser energy has been clinically
proven to stimulate the formation of new collagen in the dermis
of the skin; the heat from a 1064nm laser is also theorized to
stimulate bacterial destruction, Nitric Oxide production, and the
wound healing cascade. A patient presented with ulcers on the
distal areas of the feet, and was treated with the subject laser.
Background & Objective
Female patient presented with well-developed warts involving the
nails and surrounding tissue of the fourth and fifth digits of the right
hand. The patient reported having tried topicals with no success,
and several months prior to laser, had warts frozen without any
improvement. The laser to be used is an Nd:YAG 1064nm laser
(LightPod Neo by Aerolase, Tarrytown, NY) which generates
extremely high fluence in a uniquely short 1.5 millisecond pulse
duration. The laser has a high affinity for hemoglobin and is
intended to destroy the vessels feeding the wart.
• Existing 'cold lasers' were not very effective
• A low-level 1064nm laser may cause or stimulate:
– dermofibroblast synthesis of collagen
– NO (Nitric Oxide) production
– alteration of cell membrane w/release of ions & neurotransmitters
– wound healing cascade
– destruction of bacteria
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